

Papaya is a cheap medicine for many diseases

 Nature has given unique delicious food in the form of fruits and vegetables for human beings. Each foods grown from the ground has its own special taste.Among these fruits and vegetables, papaya is also a delicious fruit. Eating papaya as a food has beneficial effects on the stomach and intestines. According to a recent study, using papaya strengthens the stomach and intestines. Relieves excess fluid, indigestion and intestinal upset.

Papaya seed juice is said to be useful in acidosis and hemorrhoids. Papaya is a fruit with many benefits. It is rich in antioxidants, B vitamins, folate, pantothenic acid, minerals, calcium, potassium, lycopene, magnesium and There are fibers.

It contains three major potent antioxidant components, vitamins C, E and A. The 

Papaya has very few calories. 100 grams of papaya has only 30 calories and no fat, while other nutrients are rich in minerals and vitamins. It is essential for the functioning of the process. Not only nutrients are found in papaya pulp but also its seeds and peels are nutritious.

Its seeds and peels contain phytochemicals, including natural phenols. Similarly, papaya contains an important compound, Danielone, which protects it from fungus. Papaya also contains two important enzymes, papain and chemo papain. ۔ All of the above ingredients in papaya combine to provide energy to the body, eliminate muscle tissue breakdown and are beneficial for the body's optimal growth.

Papaya is useful in many diseases. That is why the nutritional and medicinal properties of papaya have been considered since ancient times. Recent scientific research has also confirmed its benefits.

 Fast digesting fruit  

Papaya is a easily digestible fruit. Its pulp is easily digested due to its softness. After eating papaya, food is well digested and there is no acidity and indigestion in the stomach and constipation is also relieved.

  Helps in protein digestion  

Papaya is rich in two important enzymes, papain and chemo papain. Proteins are not easily digested in the stomach. These enzymes help digest food as well as protein in the stomach. According to recent research, amino Acids are beneficial in changes in the body as a result of various chemical processes and in mental and physical health.

As we age, the digestive enzymes in the human body become less and less, which slows down the digestion of proteins. As a result, unresolved proteins in the stomach increase, germs grow in the intestines, and amino acids increase. Deficiency of amino acids stops the occurrence of important chemical changes in the body. In this regard, the use of papaya is useful.

The enzymes in papaya also protect the fruit from insects during ripening.

   Effective shield against cancer  

The use of papaya is said to be useful against cancer of the colon, liver and all organs of the body and glands. The fiber in papaya prevents the toxins that cause cancer from entering healthy cells.

Other ingredients in papaya include folate, vitamin C, beta-carotene and vitamin E, which reduce the risk of colon cancer. Papaya juice reduces colon infections as well as controls the growth of cancer cells in the liver. Eating papaya is said to be beneficial even after therapy. Its enzyme papain is useful in eliminating the negative effects of therapy.Especially after chemotherapy or radiation, difficulty in swallowing food and sore throat, eating papaya according to the doctor's advice, these complaints go away. In addition, papaya boosts the body's resistance to cancer by increasing immunity. It also provides new supplies to fight cancer.

  Strength of heart  

The nutrients in papaya strengthen the heart system by improving blood circulation in the arteries of the heart.

Papaya contains a large amount of antioxidants that reduce the risk of stroke, diabetes, heart attack and other heart diseases by keeping cholesterol in the body at a reasonable level.

Decreasing the effects of antibiotics

Antibiotics leave a negative impression on the body. Many drugs also kill beneficial germs in the intestines.

It is useful to take antibiotics by chopping or making papaya juice during or after meals. Papaya not only eliminates the negative effects of these medicines but also regenerates beneficial germs in the intestines.

Use on skin

While papaya is healthy as a food, its use on the skin is also beneficial.

Immediate application of papaya on skin burns, cuts or wounds inflicted with a knife or knife, poisonous animal stings or bite wounds, etc., does not spread the infection and the wound feels cool, on the face. The use of papaya is also said to be useful for wrinkles and blemishes.

Stomach worms

Papaya seeds are useful in eliminating stomach worms.

A substance called caricin in seeds protects and eliminates stomach and intestinal worms. The alkaloid carpin in papaya leaves also kills stomach worms.

Other benefits

There are many benefits of papaya and new benefits are also emerging through various researches. According to a modern study, the juice extracted from papaya seeds can be effective in case of kidney infection.

Regular consumption of papaya as a food has beneficial effects on the body. It enhances the body's immune system and protects the body from problems like cold, flu and fever. Are exported.

Uses of papaya

Papaya is used in both raw and cooked foods as well as in various dishes and medicines.

Ripe papaya is used for peeling and extracting seeds, while raw papaya is mostly used for grinding. Papaya seeds and leaves are also used in the preparation of many medicines. With the help of papaya stem. Rope is also made.

Ways to use papaya in the world 
Raw papaya and sweet papaya are used in different ways in different parts of the world.
Thais use raw papaya in their salads and curries cooked and used raw. In Indonesia, raw papaya and its leaves are boiled and eaten as a salad. In some countries, papaya leaves are cooked like spinach as a food. It is preferred and coffee is made from its leaves and fed to malaria patients.  Black papaya seeds are edible and have a sharp spicy taste.
They are also used as a substitute for ground black pepper.
To digest meat
Raw papaya has been used for meat digestion since ancient times. The enzyme papain in it softens meat and other proteins. Raw papaya powder is now available in the market especially for meat digestion.
Side effects of papaya
Whatever the fruit or vegetable, if it is not used in moderation, it can sometimes cause a physical ailment.
Therefore, caution is also required in the use of papaya. Raw papaya is often used by women as a hair conditioner in their hair. Therefore, it is better to use it in small quantities. This liquid papain also affects the uterine organs, so the use of raw papaya during pregnancy may increase the risk of miscarriage. Carotene Mia (yellowing of the soles and palms) can also be caused by because papaya contains beta carotene which is the main cause of carotene Mia.

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